Die distelartige, einjährige Pflanze wird bis zu 50 cm hoch. Ihre blassgelbe Blüten sind von stacheligen Hochblättern umgeben. Die länglichen Blätter sind dornig gezähnt und die Stängel behaart. Typisch ist der bittere Geschmack. nicus benedictus (Blessed Thistle or Holy Thistle), the sole species in the genus Cnicus, is a thistle-like plant in the family Asteraceae. It is also sometimes called Cursed Thistle. It is an annual plant growing to 60 cm tall, with leathery, hairy leaves up to 30 cm long and 8 cm broad, with small spines on the margins. The flowers are yellow, produced in a dense flowerhead (capitulum) 3-4 cm diameter, surrounded by numerous spiny basal bracts.
