Das Gänsefingerkraut ist eine niedrige, kriechende Pflanze mit gefiederten, dunkelgrünen Blättern, die auf der Unterseite silbrig behaart sind. Im Sommer bildet sie an langen Stielen goldgelbe Blüten. In der Heilkunde wird es vorwiegend gegen Krämpfe aller Art eingesetzt und zwar besonders gern in Milch abgekocht. Argentina anserina, commonly known as Silverweed or silverweed cinquefoil, is a flowering perennial plant in the rose family Rosaceae. It is native throughout the temperate Northern Hemisphere, often on river shores and in grassy habitats such as meadows and road-sides. Silverweed is a low-growing herbaceous plant with creeping red stolons up to 80 cm long. The leaves are 10-20 cm long, evenly pinnate into in crenate leaflets 2-5 cm long and 1-2 cm broad, covered with silky white hairs, particularly on the underside. These hairs are also present on the stem and the stolons. These give the leaves the silvery appearance from which the plant gets its name. The flowers are produced singly on 5-15 cm long stems, 1.5-2.5 cm diameter with five (rarely up to seven) yellow petals. The fruit is a cluster of dry achenes.
