Die Schwarze Johannisbeere ist ein etwa 2 m hoher, sommergrüner Strauch mit 3–5 - lappigen Blättern. Die grünlichweißen Blüten sitzen in hängenden Trauben und bilden blauschwarze, kugelige Früchte. Die Beeren und auch der Strauch riechen eigenartig.Die Frucht wird wegen ihres hohen Gehalts an Vitamin C sehr geschätzt. The Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) is a species of Ribes berry native to central and northern Europe and northern Asia. It is also known as French "cassis". It is a small shrub growing to 1–2 m tall. The leaves are alternate, simple, 3-5 cm long and broad, and palmately lobed with five lobes, with a serrated margin. The flowers are 4–6 mm diameter, with five reddish-green to brownish petals; they are produced in racemes 5–10 cm long. The fruit has an extraordinarily high vitamin C content (302% of the Daily Value per 100g, table), and more potassium than bananas.
