Der Löwenzahn ist auf der ganzen nördlichen Erdhalbkugel mit vielen Unterarten und Varietäten weit verbreitet. Medizinisch verwendet werden das zur Blütezeit gesammelte Kraut und die Wurzel. Die jungen frischen Blätter kann man auch als Salat oder Suppe essen. Taraxacum officinale grows from generally unbranched taproots and produces one to more than ten stems that are typically 5 to 40 cm tall but sometimes up to 70cm tall. The stems can be tinted purplish, they are upright or lax, and produce flower heads that are held as tall or taller than the foliage. The foliage is upright growing or horizontally orientated, with leaves having ether narrowly winged petioles or they are unwinged. The silky pappi, which form the parachutes, are white to silver-white in color and around 6 mm wide. Taraxacum officinale is used to make dandelion wine, the greens are used in salads, the roots have been used to make a coffee like drink and the plant was used by Native Americans as a food and medicine
