Der Baum kann bis zu 30 m groß werden. Er bevorzugt helle Standorte, offene Wälder und wächst auf verschiedensten Böden. Die vertikal gemaserte Rinde wächst oft wie eine Spirale um den Stamm. Die langen Blätter sind dunkelgrün und fingerförmig. Die kätzchenartig, duftenden Blüten werden bis 25 cm lang. Die Blütezeit ist im Hochsommer Juli bis August. Sweet Chestnut ist in der Bachblüten Therapie die Blüte für Ausweglosigkeit, Verzweiflung, starke Depressionen, totale Hoffnungslosigkeit, extreme Seelenqualen und Zusammenbruch. Im transformierten Zustand entwickelt Sweet Chestnut die Befreiung, den Wiederanschluß an das göttliche Ganze und die Erlösung. The Sweet Chestnut also known as the Spanish Chestnut, Portuguese Chestnut or European chestnut, is a species of chestnut originally native to southeastern Europe and Asia Minor. It is a medium-sized to large deciduous tree attaining a height of 20-35 m with a trunk often 2 m in diameter. The oblong-lanceolate, boldly toothed leaves are 16-28 cm long and 5-9 cm broad. The flowers of both sexes are borne in 10-20 cm long, upright catkins, the male flowers in the upper part and female flowers in the lower part. They appear in late June to July, and by autumn, the female flowers develop into spiny cupules containing 3-7 brownish nuts that are shed during October. Sweet Chestnut is the Bach Flower Remedy for people who have reached the limits of their endurance, who have explored all avenues but see no way out of their difficulties, and who feel that there is nothing left for them but annihilation and emptiness. Sweet Chestnut develops freeing, the reconnection to the divine whole and release.
