Die Heckenrose ist ein winterharter Dornenstrauch mit rankenden Stielen. Sie wächst an sonnigen Hecken, Abhängen oder Waldrändern. Die süß duftenden Blüten haben 5 herzförmige Blütenblätter. Die Blütenfarbe ist weiß bis hell- oder dunkelrosa. Die Blütezeit ist im Juni und Juli. In der Bachblüten Therapie steht der Wild Rose Zustand für Aufgeben, Apathie, Resignation, Teilnahmslosigkeit, Mut- bzw. Lustlosigkeit, Antriebslosigkeit, Interesse-losigkeit, Rekonvaleszenz, Langweiligkeit und Gleichgültigkeit. Der Mensch hat aufgegeben. Im transformierten Zustand bewirkt Wild Rose Lebensfreude, Motivation, Lebendigkeit und positive Denkansätze. Rosa canina is a variable scrambling rose species native to Europe. It is a deciduous shrub normally ranging in height from 1-5 m, though sometimes it can scramble higher into the crowns of taller trees. Its stems are covered with small, sharp, hooked spines, which aid it in climbing. The leaves are pinnate, with 5-7 leaflets. The flowers are usually pale pink, but can vary between a deep pink and white. They are 4-6 cm diameter with five petals, and mature into an oval 1.5-2 cm red-orange fruit, or hip. Wild Rose is the Bach Flower Remedy for people who have accepted all that life throws at them and have given up the struggle for fulfilment. Instead they have resigned themselves to the way things are, to the extent where they don't even complain or seem particularly unhappy. Instead they shrug their shoulders - there's no point complaining or trying to change - and seem happy just to drift through life. The remedy is given to reawaken interest in life. The positive Wild Rose person will still be a happy-go-lucky type, but instead of apathy will feel a sense of purpose that will bring increased happiness and enjoyment.
