GalleryBlumenDahlien Dahlia
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Image Title: | Dahlien sind ausdauernde oder krautige Pflanzen.Sie bilden Knollen oder knollig verdickte Rizome als Überlebungsorgane. Dahlien blühen in den herrlichsten Farben und Formen. Ein wahres Spätsommer- und Herbstmärchen. Dahlia is a genus of bushy, tuberous, perennial plants native to Mexico, Central America, and Colombia. There at least 36 species of Dahlia. Dahlia hybrids are commonly grown as garden plants. The Aztecs gathered and cultivated the dahlia for food, ceremony, as well as decorative purposes [1], and the long woody stem of one variety was used for small pipes.There are dahlias in the most beautiful colors and forms. |
Image Caption Writer: | Angelika Herter-Hoff |
Original Time Taken: | 09. September 2008 |
Copyright Holder: | 2008 Fotostudio H.P.Hoff |
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