GalleryBlumenFlieder-Syringa Common Lilac
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- Baumblüten
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- flower photos
- flower pictures
- flowers
- Fotografie
- fragrance
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- lila
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- Perfume plant
- petals
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- Photographie
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- portrait format
- schoen
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- Schönheit der Natur
- single object
- single plant
- spring flowers
- Strauch
- Studioaufnahme
- Tag
- tree
- Unschärfe
- vertical format
- Vertikal
- Weichzeichner
- white background
View meta data
Image Title: | Flieder (Syringa) ist eine Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der ?lbaumgew?chse (Oleaceae). Sie umfasst etwa 20 bis 25 Arten. In der Blumensprache gilt der Flieder insbesondere als Symbol der jungen, romantischen Liebe. Syringa is a genus of about 20?25 species of flowering plants in the olive family (Oleaceae), native to Europe and Asia. They are deciduous shrubs or small trees, ranging in size from 2?10 m tall, with stems up to 20?30 cm diameter. The leaves are opposite (occasionally in whorls of three) in arrangement, and their shape is simple and heart-shaped to broad lanceolate in most species, but pinnate in a few species. The flowers are produced in spring. The flowers grow in large panicles, and in several species have a strong fragrance. |
Copyright Holder: | 2008 Fotostudio H.P.Hoff |
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