Der Falsche Jasmin ist ein bis zu 5 m hoch wachsender, immergrüner Schlingstrauch mit dünnem Stamm, dessen Rinde rotgelb bis rot gefärbt ist. Die wohlriechenden, leuchtend gelben, trichterförmigen Blüten sitzen an kurzen Stielen in den Blattachseln. Gelsemium sempervirens is a twining vine in the family Gelsemiaceae. It can grow to 3-6 m high when given suitable climbing support in trees, with thin stems. The leaves are evergreen, lanceolate, 5-10 cm long and 1-1.5 cm broad, and lustrous, dark green. The flowers are borne in clusters, the individual flowers yellow, sometimes with an orange center, trumpet-shaped, 3 cm long and 2.5-3 cm broad. All parts of this plant contain the toxic strychnine-related alkaloids gelsemine and gelseminine and should not be consumed.
