Der Koriander ist eine einjährige, etwa 60 cm hoch wachsende, wanzenartig riechende Pflanze mit gefiederten, hellgrünen Blättern. Die kleinen weißen bis rötlichen Blüten stehen in Doppeldolden. Die Früchte sind braun bis strohgelb und können ja nach Varietät der Pflanze einen Durchmesser von 3 – 5 mm oder 1,5 – 3 mm aufweisen. Coriander also commonly called cilantro, is an annual herb in the family Apiaceae. Coriander is native to southwestern Asia west to north Africa. It is a soft, hairless plant growing to 50 cm tall. The leaves are variable in shape, broadly lobed at the base of the plant, and slender and feathery higher on the flowering stems. The flowers are borne in small umbels, white or very pale pink, asymmetrical, with the petals pointing away from the centre of the umbel longer (5-6 mm) than those pointing to the middle of the umbel. The fruit is a globular dry schizocarp 3-5 mm diameter. All parts of the plant are edible, but the fresh leaves and the dried seeds are the most commonly used in cooking.
