Der Schwarze Senf ist eine einjährige krautige Pflanze, die Wuchshöhen von 0,3 bis zu 2 Metern erreicht.. Der gelb-grün blühende Schwarze Senf ist im Mittelmeerraum heimisch, wird jedoch seit Menschengedenken kultiviert. Er benötigt viel Sonnenlicht und liebt warme und feuchte Böden. Senf regt die Verdauung an und hilft schwere Speisen zu verdauen. Brassica nigra (black mustard) is an annual weedy plant cultivated for its seeds, which are commonly used as a spice. The spice is generally made from ground seeds of the plant, with the seed coats removed. The small (1 mm) seeds are hard and vary in color from dark brown to black. They are very flavorful, although they have almost no aroma. The seeds are commonly used in Indian cuisine, for example in curry, where it is known as 'rai'. The seeds are usually thrown into hot oil or ghee after which they pop, releasing a characteristic 'nutty' flavor. The seeds have a significant amount of fatty oil. This oil is used often as cooking oil in India. The plant itself can grow from 2 to 8 feet tall with racemes of small yellow flowers
