Der Sonnentau ist eine in Mooren anzutreffende Staude, auf deren lang gestielten, runden Blättern Drüsenhaare sitzen, die ein klebriges Sekret ansondern. Der Sonnentau hilft beu Bronchitis, Keuchhusten, Asthma und Bluthochdruck. Drosera rotundifolia (the common sundew or round-leaved sundew) is a species of sundew, a carnivorous plant often found in bogs, marshes and fens. The leaves of the common sundew are arranged in a basal rosette. The narrow, hairy 1.3-5 centimetre long petioles support 4-10 millimetres long laminae. The upper surface of the lamina is densely covered with red glandular hairs that secrete a sticky mucilage (see Carnivory section, below). The flowers grow on one side of a single slender, hairless stalk that eminates from the centre of the leaf rosette. White or pink in colour, the five-petalled flowers produce 1-1.5 mm light brown seeds that are slender and tapered. The plant feeds on insects, which are attracted to its bright red colour and its glistening drops of mucilage, loaded with a sugary substance, that cover its leaves. Drosera rotundifolia plant extracts show great efficacy as an anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic.
